Dolsot Bibimbap Kit
Dolsot bibimbap is a Korean rice dish, served in a searingly hot stone bowl – the ‘dolsot’ or ‘dol sot’. Along with the earthenware ddukbaeagi, this Korean stone bowl is one of the key cooking vessels in Korean cuisine.
The dolsot bowl should be slowly brought up to heat in an oven, while the sticky, sushi rice is cooking on the hob. To make bibimbap, sesame oil is heated inside the dolsot bowl, and then the cooked rice is heaped in – so that it starts frying in the sesame oil. Traditional bibimbap is then topped with vegetables, a raw egg yolk and gochujang chilli paste. It’s stirred through at the table – so the egg yolk and rice cook in the heat from the stone dish, and the vegetables stay piping hot.
This bibimbap kit contains a recipe card, and enough ingredients to cook our traditional Korean bi bim bap recipe 12-18 times. It contains an authentic Korean dolsot stone bowl, sesame oil, gochujang paste and delicious sushi rice. All you need is a few vegetables to stir fry, and an egg to crack on the top – a great store cupboard supper!
Additional dolsot stone bowls are sold separately. Just add one or more, if you’d like the kit to serve more people.
Set includes:
- Kadoya Japanese Pure Sesame Oil
- Dolsot Stone Bowl
- Sushi Rice
- Gochujang 500g Box
- Recipe Card & Sous Chef Drawstring Bag
Please note: depending on availability contents may vary from those shown in the photograph. Please see the list above for current contents.